1. What are earthquakes? The ground beneath our feet seems rock-solid, but the surface of our planet is in fact a dynamic grid of sections, which are moving very slowly, these sections are known as tectonic plates. When these large tectonic plates start breaking and shifting they cause the ground to shake, the shaking is…
Types of energy Energy exists in many forms, this are the main forms: Chemical energy. Chemical energy is stored in chemicals, which are made from atoms that are linked together to make molecules. The energy is released when the links between some of the atoms are broken down into smaller molecules. Gravitational energy. This is…
Different people… different food! Different cultures have different kinds of food they (have to) eat, or things they don’t eat at all. Because their religion or their god doesn’t allow them to eat it. Food and Relegion Muslims for example; they don’t eat pork. Because the Koran says they may not eat it. Instead of…